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If I was a firefighter in Warwick, I too would continue to obfuscate the unsustainable growth in the actual dollars paid out each year from the city budget for past and present firefighter expenses over the last 15 years.

Who would want that kind of attention when high school sports are being eliminated and Korean War veterans and seniors on a fixed income and paying $600 to $1,000 a year more in property taxes to pay for extraordinary benefits for a few that they themselves will never receive?

The fact is, in 2004 total dollars paid out of the city budget for past and present firefighter services was $27,202,137.

In the 2020 proposed budget, that total is $50,171,971. That's a 187% increase in actual dollars paid. Today almost 1/3 of the city budget is consumed by past and present firefighter related expenses.

People have trouble putting these million dollar figures into context. Using the per-firefighter annual cost puts into prospective how the cost has more than doubled from $127,710 in 2004 to $259,958 today.

I totally understand why you do not want Warwick citizens expose to this kind of information. God for bid people wake up and demand concessions. I get it.

Carry on with the spin. It's been very effective.

From: Tax bills on the way; due date extended to July 31

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