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Fed Up,

And what do you suggest- suspension without pay in the event the allegations are false? He's not on the road pending investigation and possible trial, and he isn't outright fired without due process- THIS is the compromise. As you say, they are misdemeanors, not felonies; whether he is disciplined or fired is still pending an internal investigation regardless of the final disposition and outcome of the charges.

I just drove in RI for a week; I can't tell you how many times I WANTED to at least verbally abuse the inattentive, distracted, hesitant, indecisive and just plain ignorant RI drivers I encountered, many on the streets of Warwick and Cranston, but I ALWAYS tell myself the same thing: "I have too much to lose" over some fools' behavior and I won't stoop to their level- besides, they'll be in my rear-view soon enough.

If he is eventually returned to duty, this incident will always be in the back of his mind. Regardless of the outcome, I hope part of his disciplinary sentence is outreach and speaking to aggressive drivers.

From: Police Log - 07/23/19

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