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Clearly, the field wasn't maintained appropriately or else Fratus and crew wouldn't have been out there with mowers. You failed to list chalking in your list of things you did prior to the date so therefore it was clearly necessary for them to "use WPS bags of chalk to line the field and made a mess doing so" in order to play their game. "They went inside the press box, which was unlocked by someone with a key, unknown at this time,". Do you know for a fact that someone with a key unlocked the door? Was it possibly unlocked when they arrived? So many unanswered questions.

Despite your clear intention with this letter, you just highlighted that the field wasn't ready for play. I find it funny that you say you were there on Wednesday and Thursday in preparation for the game Thursday night but when they got there 4 hours prior to the game, the field wasn't ready. Why would someone take it upon themselves to do all that work if the field was already game ready? Do you get it now? Your letter just highlighted your deficiency far more than Fratus' comment in the sports section. Next time, instead of knee-jerk reaction letter writing, call a lawyer or have someone else compose the letter.

Slow clap to you Mary Townsend, Michael Giarruso and Joe Fratus.

From: In response to comments about Vets field

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