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I'm not a teacher, I'm just of the opinion that complaining about someone's profession is petulant. Telling you to sell your home is obvious hyperbole. I didn't think I had to explain that. I've read time and time again from the usual suspects that the majority of teachers in Warwick don't live in the city, so voting union supporters out and voting your ideals in shouldn't be that difficult, right?

As for evaluations, they're mandatory every three years so long as the evaluation results are sufficient. If they aren't, there is an evaluation the next year. The guidelines are set forth by the school committee from my understanding.

Where is the accountability from the students and their households when it come to standardized testing? Everyone jumps to criticize teachers when they don't have any say in how the tests are designed, how they're proctored, how the curriculum is designed, etc. The concept of standardized anything is antiquated. A classroom with 20 students and 5 on IEPs all take the same "standardized" test. How much sense does that make? But hey, keep the name calling coming ;)

From: Students, teachers to feel budget cuts as schools open

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