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First of all beacon would be nice for you to get your facts straight. Do didnt even touch the side of our community. Seems like you dont even care so much you left out. You should be ashamed. Also to ruin a dead end street with massive traffic is unacceptable. Noone wants to leave that place or come in waiting for all those lights every one takes the short fast way which will be threw that poor neighbor hood. Y cant anyone see that. What if it were yours. What then. I also know alot of childen are on that street and play basket ball ride bikes and i see skate boards every day i drive by going to work 2nd shift. Sorry to daves but because you wont think about your community and renegotiate terms of lease to keep gate closed i will not support you any longer. I dont support people that just dont care about the community.its a Shame. you rely on us for your ri made bussness. Untill this is resoved never will i nor many others support you. A business needs to keep there community happy to continue to get there support and grow. Get who makes money from all this the hard working homeowner heck no our taxes just sky rocket. Yes the town where money dissapears and the bussiness is where money goes. Money this money that. All we see warwick is you killing us. We will not sympathize with you its just more money for you more traffic and taxes for us shitty roads and a broke ass city still

Unbealiveable. Everyone i please ask you to support whats right. Your hard working neighbors your loving community. We all should support eachother. When its your time and you need help we will be there for you. Help them to preserve there neighbor hood and when you need them they will be there.

From: Access road sparks debate on proposed Dave's Marketplace

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