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Based on the preliminary agreement on google drive (referenced by a commenter) :

The section on “Management Rights” (Art. I, Section 3) is meaningless. It begins by stating “Except to the extent there is contained in this Agreement or a duly established past practice . . .” This means anyone reading this agreement will have no idea what “management rights” actually are. It will take a team of attorneys and a historian to figure it out. On any question, past records would need to be researched. The city’s practice of using law firms as headquarters for the city solicitor and assistant solicitors means city records are scattered around at different law firms, if such records exist at all. Maybe some records are on google drive, like the one I just quoted from. Who knows where all the records are. The generalized “Except” clause needs to be removed. Every exception, if any, needs to be explicitly stated. There is no reason not to do so for such an important topic, except possibly (and ironically) they do not know all the exceptions.

From: Ordinance opens debate on affordablity of city benefits

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