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-----Original Message-----

From: Brandon Ingegneri []

Sent: Sat 12/21/2019 12:38 PM

To: John Howell

Subject: Fire Contract - Threats

Good Morning Mr. Howell,

Embedded into this email is a link to a video that Robert Cushman and

Robert Cote posted of last night's City Council Meeting. If you listen to

the time frame in the area of 32:25 in the video you can clearly hear Mr.

Cushman and Mr. Cote threaten to "Kill" me as I was addressing the council.

I have since filed a report with the RISP, but thought it prudent to

forward this information to you as a credible threat to murder a public

employee and elected officer of a labor union at a public venue is most

certainly a serious event. Additionally, I have received a number of

harassing telephone calls from Mr. Cote and Mr. Cushman following this


I am available for public comment at your convenience.

Very Truly Yours,

Brandon Ingegneri


Warwick Firefighters, Local 2748

From: What's the big rush

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