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The pen name Foundation is used because I am writing of substantive changes that have been adopted not only by the union and its membership, but the Mayor’s office, and the majority of the council. Despite what I say here, there will be a small, unhappy contingent that will make an attempt to poke holes in the facts, will attempt to cast a particular light on facts, and will ultimately be unsatisfied with anything short of complete obliteration of the fabric of the Warwick Fire Department. I ask why that is?

Reform is a gradual process that can not be cast with one sweeping stroke of a pen. It can not undermine decades of fair negotiations. An entire city can not be balanced on the backs of 200 men and women.

What the recently ratified contract does is the following in all fairness to fiscal responsibility, innovation, and progression:

-Establishes an innovative OPEB trust that takes today’s dollars, allows them to be invested and grow over an employees career, and combats healthcare premiums (formerly family and now only single coverage) for the future. It’ should be noted that right now the city pays an ever increasing premium matching today’s dollars for today’s premiums. Allowing the money to compound will have a greater fiscal impact on premiums and will help to alleviate treading water as an analogy. Furthermore, any dollar amount contributed into a trust for OPEB is a savings as compared to what the current situation is. Whether 5, 10, 27, 50, or 95% savings is realized, 100% of whatever that percentage ends up being will be a savings to the city and taxpayers. To label this as an annuity is inaccurate. All funds being contributed to this plan are employee made, meaning $0 of city or taxpayer money will be contributed to the plan. If the employees money is not exhausted due to an early death, the EMPLOYEES money would be transferred to the estate. It should be noted, that at this time, health benefits would also be terminated, eliminating any and all financial responsibility from the city. It is unreasonable to assume that the city would retain 100% employee contributed funds.

- A number of sick, personal, holidays were put on the chopping block. All of which... you guessed it... direct savings to the city.

- 24 hour shift structure will absolutely reduce the amount of overtime. It should also be noted that there is a balance where paying overtime is more cost effective to taking on a new employee and the entire package associated with that employee. Overtime in some instances is in fact not a bad thing and more cost effective.

- The city for the first time, now has a tangible management rights clause.

- Raises are less than that as compared to the other unions at 1.5%-3% in the first year as determined by an arbitrator. 2% in year 2 and 2% in year 3.

- It should be noted that pension contributions are made 1/3 by employee and 2/3 by the city. The contribution rate is determined by an actuary and adjusts annually. This is primarily the reason why Warwick’s pension is so well funded at roughly 85% and is expected to increase to a nearly 97% funded rate.

- It should be noted that Firefighters do not have Workman’s Comp or TDI available to them. As a result, a higher amount of sick time can be accumulated as compared to the private sector. Again, this was reduced in this current contract.

- Lifetime healthcare related to the fire service is a topic of discussion where the average person may not have all of the facts through no fault of their own. When thinking of hazards associated with firefighting, most often people think of the acute risks, IE: burning buildings, operating on the highway, in a waterway, or even under a waterway or technical or hazmat situation. What most people are unaware of are the many proven and reaffirmed studies related to the chronic health impacts to firefighters that more often than not present themselves near the end of employment or into retirement. Substantial amounts of cancers at alarming rates have been directly correlated to a firefighters years of service. This is A-typical from the average private or public sector worker. I do not believe in entitlements, but this is a fundamental need for this particular profession given the well documented chronic health hazards.

For Mr. Merolla and Mr. Ladecour to attempt to work so diligently to undermine the contract based on technicalities and skewed versions of questions is an insult to the taxpayers as well as all who wear the uniform. It was clearly documented that there was innovation, progression, and savings in the areas where both of you show most concern. Your argument... it’s not enough. Mr. Merolla, are you eligible for lifetime healthcare, or is anyone in your family? Will you be taking advantage of this as a part time city employee? Will you still be eligible under your proposed illegal healthcare ordinance? Additionally, Mr. Merolla attacking the fact that firefighters do in fact have a higher cancer risk than an average employee is to say the least an insult. Unfortunately, it appeared as though Mr. Merolla in his capacity as Council President conducted himself in an emotional manner as opposed to a professional manner. It could be argued that he and Mr. Ladecour had a predetermined agenda to kill this contract despite the progressive, cost savings implementations that would positively impact the city not only now, but generationally.

Mr. Merolla luckily appears to have a very robust hair piece keeping his head warm as he will need it come November with the weather forecast predicting it will be a blustery one where he will he left out in the cold come election time.

The men and women of the Warwick Fire Department have been portrayed as thugs, thieves, and criminals by a small but vocal contingent with questionable integrity of their own. The fact remains that Warwick Firefighters are honest, diligent working men and women who come to work every shift, and make an attempt each time they are called to go out that door to come upon a situation and leave it better than they found it all while attempting to provide the highest level of professionalism in appreciation for the city and its taxpayers who make their livelihoods possible.

No Warwick Firefighter wants an entitlement or benefit or one red cent that is not fairly negotiated and earned.

From: What's the big rush

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