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Back years ago, the city of Providence was overly generous in awarding questionable disability pensions that amounted to the recipient receiving 66 2/3% of their salary TAX FREE for the rest of their lives. During that time period, most of those individuals who received the bogus disability pensions and became instant millionaires moved out of state, or at the least, basically went into hiding, so as not to draw attention to themselves and run the risk of somewhere down the road having the city investigate their fraudulent disability claim and prosecute them for their dishonesty. But you'll always find some fool, who instead of fading away into the sunset, instead spends all of his free time working on his house, jumping out of his car to make obscene gestures to city workers, and other similar physically demanding tasks, all while collecting a TAX FREE disability pension. Fortunately, the Providence public safety commissioner and the Providence Retirement Board have stepped up their surveillance of these individuals who are basically stealing from the city, and slowly but surely are stripping them of their bogus disability pensions, and in some cases, criminally prosecuting these individuals.

From: What's the big rush

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