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RISchadenfreude, they are not all feral cats. Many cats people see outside were dumped by their "owners" and left to fend for themselves. PawsWatch doesn't just TNR (trap/neuter/return) but also tests the cats so there should not be any cats with communicable diseases returned outdoors. If positive, they are placed with shelters/rescues to help them get adopted. If truly feral and positive, well, that is another issue.

If people actually took responsibility for their animals and cared for them as they should the number of community cats wouldn't be as bad as it is, but they don't. Plain and simple. I cannot tell you how many cats I have seen trapped that were very friendly and were adopted to live a safe life. Even one that was positive for feline leukemia, had one eye, and about 4 teeth. Living a very happy life in a place that will love her until her day eventually comes. Keeping cats indoors is the best way to protect them not only from other cats but also from people that simply don't care for cats - like the individual(s) who trashed this feeding station. Not to mention other predators such as coyotes, Fisher cats, etc.

Euthanizing is not the answer. Many studies have shown that if the cats are removed and euthanized it will only open the area for more people to dump their cat. It is called The Vacuum Effect. What we need, as a community, is to be responsible for our own animals, dogs and cats alike. Pets should all be fixed, vaccinated, and tested. They should not be allowed to roam outdoors, they have been domesticated. If someone decides they want a pet they need to follow through on proper care. People that can't/won't take proper medical care and precautions should never have a pet.

From: PawsWatch feral cat feeding station smashed

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