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Patientman in 2004 pension and OPEB expenses (Other Post Employment Benefits - healthcare) accounted for $30.3 million in expense or 31.7 percent of the city budget. In 2014 that expense jumped to $52.7 million or 42.2 percent of the city budget. The expense has increased 74 percent in the last decade.

Contrast that to the Social Service budget which was 7 percent of the budget in 2004 and now is 4.4 percent of the budget. That budget has been cut 18 percent.

Physical resource budget (DPW) was 12 percent of the city budget in 2004 and now is 11.4 percent of the budget.

The bottom line is that the real issue in this city is easy to determine. The Mayor simply chooses not only ignore it but paint a false picture that his policies have solved the problem.

From: What’s best for city motivated Carruolo

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