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God bless you, Richard D. Walsh. I strongly suspect that this evil and malicious WAR ON GOD is not coming from the traditional New Deal Democrat Left. Much of it is inspired by reactionary Ayn Rand-ism. The atheist author of " The Virtue of Selfishness " was so much of a crackpot that conservative Catholic William F. Buckley wanted nothing to do with her. A haughty contempt for the majority of religious humanity is no way to make this sad miserable world a better place. The NEW ATHEISM is also inspired by the likes of ex-Trotskyist, Islamo-phobe Christopher Hitchens. These so called left-wing atheists hate God more than they love the common people. They no doubt hate Pope Francis- who takes Catholic social philosophy seriously. A socialist, I greatly respect my Catholic Heritage and had no problem with that PRAYER ON THE WALL at Cranston West- whatever " Uncle Atheist ", Steve Ahlquist, found so offensive about it. Most public school teachers are easily frightened sheep, sad to say. ( )

From: ‘God Bless You’

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