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The comments above prove there is truth to the saying, ignorance is bliss. What better way to not face a problem when you can just not acknowledge that there is one. It is interesting though that the person that should be pulling all these numbers together, that being Avedisian, appears to be more interested in photo-opts then making sure that Warwick's finances are sound.

Bob Cushman should not be the one that has to spend his time accumulating and presenting this data, but no one, up to this time, has come forward, especially the people in charge. And did you really say that Ms.Travis, that Mr. Cushman is a "self-appointed expert"? In fact, neither in this article or in prior comments by Mr. Cushman has he ever proclaimed himself to be an expert. As stated above, all he wanted to do was present the math. Now, whether some people have the background or ability to understand the math as presented is something else. Maybe that is where the problem is.

From: Cushman report has council divided

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