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Dear CrickeeRaven,

Be careful.

Your facts are wrong...again.

For the record, my lender broke the law. Got that? They broke the law. I sued them in Federal Court AND WON! My lender was Federal-court-ordered to pay "all taxes and municipal fees" during "the good-faith negotiations". They did pay them, but they paid them late, waiting until after the tax sale to do so. As you know, CrickeeRaven, they had one year to pay all taxes that were due in addition to a small penalty. (I believe it is 12%). They then negotiated a written agreement with me that they also violated. Stay tuned for the end results on that one. The taxes you referred to in the 2013 tax sale were absolutely in my name but were absolutely the responsibility of my lender to pay. Just check with Chris Celeste the tax collector. He's right down the hall from you. He will also confirm that I have always paid my taxes in full and have no back taxes at this time although I did owe exactly one penny in March of this year. Celeste was kind enough to not charge a late fee for my "one penny" of back taxes that was keeping me from registering my car. You say that "He (meaning Corrente) will certainly exceed that embarrassment with his next comment." My counter to that is "If my responses to your comments give you "embarrassment", maybe you shouldn't make these false accusations in the first place. I don't intend to "embarrass" you but I won't let you slander my name.

I am not a tax delinquent. Nor am I a fake. I use my self-described title, and my real name.

You use a self-described title that is a cross between a cricket and a raven and a name that can't possibly be your own. That, CrickeeRaven, IS BEING A "FAKE"...and a hypocrite.

Happy Summer everyone.

Rick Corrente

The Taxpayers Mayor

From: A pretty big number

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