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Readers interested in the actual tax record of the fake "mayor," as provided by someone who actually does frequent City Hall, should read the following posted by regular commenter Thecaptain at this link:,125025?#comments

Here is an excerpt:

"His 2009 car tax bill was late every quarter and he paid $30.30 in late fees

His 2010 car tax bill was late and wasn't paid until 1/25/2012 and he paid $157.22 in late fees

His 2011 car tax bill was late and wasn't paid until 1/25/2012 and he paid $34.64 in late fees

His 2012 car tax bill was late and wasn't paid until 3/3/2013 and he paid $28.72 in late fees

Then his car mysteriously went off the tax roles for 3 years while he lived at 177 Grand View Dr. during the time that he didn't pay his mortgage, didn't pay his property taxes, and didn't pay his utility bills, yet lived in Warwick, had his garbage collected, had his street plowed, had fire service, police service, etc...

Then his 2016 car tax bill was late and wasn't paid until 3/24/17 and he paid a total of $176.87."

It is a certainty that the fake "mayor" will exceed the embarrassment he has already made of himself in his next comment.

From: A pretty big number

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