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Thank you CrikkeeRaven for saving me the time to once again eviscerate the lying delinquent fraudulent non tax paying,non utility paying, non car tax paying squatter from 177 Grand view Ave who leaves a trail of unpaid bills and litigation where ever he goes. I apologize for placing the burden on you this week to rebut his continued habitual lies but I have been busy working double shifts and paying enormous taxes, state , federal, self employment, property, vehicle, tangible, etc... while the Non -Taxpayer habitual liar squatter DUMBNESS Mayor continues to make attempts to salvage the graveyard of fiscal skeletons in his closet. It was fun for a bit, now it is just exhausting to keep up with his delusions.

However, I do think that we should host a drinks and appetizer hour at a local watering hole to discuss his continued misrepresentations and outright lies. I think that would be enjoyable.

Any suggestions on the venue?? I suggest the waterfront.

From: A pretty big number

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