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Hello again Thecaptain:

While I certainly appreciate your gracious invitation, I am, like you, responsible for a number of adult priorities that prevent me from accepting at this time. Perhaps our paths will cross this time next year during campaign season.

Thank you for yet another extensive, factual review of the fake "mayor" and the trail of delinquencies that he has left in his wake. I am pleased to know that you and thousands of Warwick taxpayers understand the true nature of the fake "mayor."

I will concede that it has become rather exhausting to keep following the delinquent, lying, failed fake "mayor" on this site and correcting the fallacies he so readily repeats here. My one consolation is that truth-telling commenters like us are the only ones replying to him, showing that he will not succeed in fooling readers of this site.

From: A pretty big number

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