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First, the link to breast cancer is based on an erroneous premise. The observed correlation was for some women, carrying a pregnancy to term will reduce their risk of breast cancer due to all the hormonal change that come with being pregnant. The comparison was between women who carried to term and those that had an abortion. The conclusion they reached was more women that had an abortion had higher rate of breast cancer. However, when compared to women who were never pregnant, then the correlation disappears. There is no LINK between abortion and breast cancer.

Second, depression can be found in both those that carried to term (hello - postpartum depression!) and those that had an abortion. There is no science behind the statement that women who have abortions have higher risk for depression.

Third, Risk of premature birth. The risk is no higher in those women who have had an abortion prior to giving birth and those that have not had an abortion. The true rate of serious problems from safe and medically performed abortions is around 0.7%. And yet, the leading cause of death for women under the age of 25 is still giving birth to a child.

Drinking, drugs and suicide happen on a daily basis. There isn't a link between higher rates from those women who had an abortion.

Each side can make numbers work in their favor. If you don't believe in abortion you are 100% entitled to your belief. But there is another side to the negatives that you have stated.. There are hundreds of medical journals that debate viability outside the womb and when a fetus becomes a child. My opinion is equally as valid as the next persons but I chose not to argue the merits of either side because on issues like this, sides simply don't change.

If Roe V Wade is overturned, people need to really be ready for what will happen in its wake. It is all well and good that one side cheers because they feel like they are saving thousands of unborn lives but what about those lives lost seeking an illegal or at home abortion? Do those lives not matter at all? As Justanidiot stated, abortion has been happening before Roe V Wade and it will continue to happen if it is no longer legal. Then what? The same politician that cheered if it gets brought down will the the one paying $$$ to make sure his little Betty or Sue gets to see someone who will "take care of it". You can't put the cat back into the bag just with an overturned ruling.

Abortions won't just stop. A whole new set of problems will come out and more laws and rulings will need to be made to fix those problems. Just telling someone not to have sex, don't have kids and too bad simply won't stop it from happening over and over and over. Ya'll need a plan!

From: The abomination of abortion

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