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The make-believe mayor lost the endorsement of the Democratic Party this year, and as such does not represent it in any meaningful way. He is also hypocritical with his statement "Those good intentions are lost however, when they are interpreted by those that want-for-themselves instead of for-the-voters that gave them the job."

He has never shown any ability, with his use of this website for free political advertising, to do anything but promote his futile candidacy. He has argued against public information that proves his tax delinquencies and questionable campaign finance activities, raised $0 in contributions, and failed to restrain himself from consistently being proven a liar.

"Mayor Avedisian accepted hundreds of checks in 2016 and candidate Joe Solomon has as well."

This is a lie. Campaign finance reports show that Avedisian accepted 28 PAC contributions from Jan. 1, 2016 to election day.

Solomon has received 17 PAC contributions -- not hundreds -- since Jan. 1, 2018. Here is the publicly available information that the make-believe mayor ignores:

As shown in his previous comment, he has also invented a conspiracy theory against the honest, taxpaying voters who will reject his candidacy on Sept. 12 because of the many defects he has willingly and repeatedly shown them as a candidate -- not because they are somehow affiliated with "political insiders," including the same people who contributed to his failed campaign in 2016.

Only two weeks remain until the make-believe mayor sees the result of his continued attempts to fool voters: Another humiliating defeat at the polls.

From: Rename the Demmocrats

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