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Dear WwkVoter,

I call myself "The Taxpayers Mayor" because I am totally dedicated to the Warwick Taxpayer. If that bothers you in any way, shape, or form...GOOD!

Also, I didn't "crap-talk" Joe Solomon or anyone else. I pointed out facts, both good and bad, about acting Mayor Solomon, that can't be disputed. If that bothers you, I don't give a damn. Solomon is NOT paying his fair share of real estate taxes. There is not another piece of real estate in Warwick that is assessed for LESS than the sales price of "29 YEARS AGO!" He should pay his fair share. If that fact doesn't bother you, it should. It should bother you A LOT! If Solomon wants to streamline the building permit process, I will applaud it. (and him). And he should. Warwick is horrible to get building permits from. I have builders, (I will give the names and phone numbers to Joe's staff) that absolutely REFUSE to build in Warwick for that very reason. And if Joe doesn't want to call me, that is his decision to make, not yours. Got that?

You anonymous coward of a critic.

Happy Autumn everyone.

Rick Corrente

The Taxpayers Mayor.

From: Mayor Solomon proposes initiatives to increase government efficiencies, transparency

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